Share Market Kya Hain|| Basic Things About Share Market
For you guys also making money through the Share market you need to understand some things about this platform.
Share market Is most Important thing in today world because the all large industeries are making own empire.
so now we are using in this large industeries we make some extra income so continoue on this article
so first of all making some money we know about little things about this platform
Basic things of Share market in 2022
first of all we know about the share market, this is one type of exchange in share market two types of exchange
1. NSE:- National Stock Exchange
2. BSE:- Bombay Stock Exchange
this stock is one but his listed in two exchange so we can see it Nse and Bse stock
we can use both of the stock. but after we starting a share market we know about basic thing in share market Buy and Sell
the share.Obiviously like we buy a share at 20rs price money and his value being passed at now 30rs so this gap is called share movement
and this movement generated profit as well as loss let me explain, we buy at 20rs and after some time his go to 30rs
so we buy at 20rs price money but now his value is 30rs so this,
20 to 30 his price are increase in 10rs so 10rs is our profit. like that we buy share at 20rs but after some time his price go to 10rs
this 20 to 10 is price decrease in 10rs so 10rs is a our loss. so guys You all know about the buy and sell, profit and loss.
so now this buy and sell how happen for buying a stock we guys go to the shopkeeper obiviously no but this buy and sell when happen in share market
for buying a stock we guys create account on one of demat account.
What is a demat account
Demat account is our account where we both of buy and sell the stock.
Demat is digital broker where he charge the money in our order for buying and selling stock.
so next question where we create the demat account so i will provide a link to open a demat account.
so various type of demat account in playstore but i am suggest you to open your account to motilal oswal company.
In this demat account very important thing we need money for buying the stock
this money will added digitally in your demat account through upi app.
after adding money we started a trading but before started analysis the stock and after start buying stock
in share market. we guys make some profit and loss this withdraw to your bank account through demat account.
what is requirement to open your demat account
First of all you need to some Document after arranging this document you guys eligible to open account
- who should open the demat account this man age be 18+
- this man also keep the pan card, aadhar card
- and his bank account are necessary
- and his signature
- and to be honest one mobile phone
this all document required for demat account opening
How to open demat account online
- go to the motilal oswal registeration link and click on sign up
- next you fill your mobile no, name, email id and fill the otp you received on mobile number and click on next
- provide your pan card detail and after verify the detail click on next
- fill up your personal information like gender, occupation, income, status, fill up as per the requirement
- next upload your bank detail like ifsc code, account number, name and verify it
- after verify the bank detail you guys upload a document like aadhar card, pan card, selfie, signature and click on proceed
- page redirected to nsdl website for signing the your form fill up your aadhar number and fill up received otp so now you form are and application are under review
- it takes a 72 hours to verify the document
- after verification is complete your login id and password are sent to your email and mobile number use and login in application
and start your new work.
In next article i am sharing more information about share market so stay tune.
what is share market
share market kya hain
what is demat account
demat account kya hain
demat account kaise open kare
how to open demat account online
information about share market
share market se paise kaise kamaye
how to earn money through share market